
Wear high heels very much should careful knee arthritis.

In this era of high heels, fashions craze to wear very well. But believe it or not, Wearing a pair of high heels on a daily basis become habit may develop a bone disease and about your ankle. That's why most of the wear high heels on a regular basis or have a height that exceeds fit you. It causes fatigue, pain in the calf, ankle, while we stand or walk continuously for several hours.

Symptoms of ankle can meet more often with those who work office, or those who are required to wear high heels to complement the personality at work. You may be sick with these symptoms, it is

  • Hamstring muscles seized caused wear high heels standing on tiptoe for a long time as a result, the seizure of hamstring tightness and contraction. For you have to stand or walk all long day, it may cause pain and cramping.
  • You will have pain around the heel and our paws. Because the hamstring muscle stiffness and contraction signal frequent cause harm caused by structural deformation.
  • Heel pain sorely because you wearing high heels over two inches makes the front toe being crushed from body all weight cause inflammation of the toe.
  • Severe back pain due to nerve compression. Because you're wearing high heels for long periods. It also makes your back deformed. Inasmuch you leaned forward to try to maintain balance throughout the body always long time.
  • For balance with high heels all the time, it must to contract at area muscles as cause may have osteoarthritis.
  • The foot deformities Caused by wearing high heels with narrow headland or repeatedly make the front foot is squeezed undermine the structure foot deformities. The appearance of the foot is deformed. Toes are twisted inward. Toe bone and the base are convex. Makes the tendons of the foot aligned vertically to the surface and potentially severe pain at the base of the big toe can also wear high heels in front of the cape.
  • High heels can cause varicose veins. The symptoms will cause coagulation of the blood clot. The blood clot is formed in the veins. The main function of the blood from the arteries that nourish the heart muscle returned. If the abnormal veins. Make the circulation of blood in the body and affect the heart does not work properly until a heart disease.
We can prevent the disease has already mentioned by choosing shoes that fit your feet. Choose the shoes fit your feet has the following.
  1. Choose shoes with a wide toe or a very narrow too. To make room for pages our feet properly. Make toe was strangulation.
  2. Choose shoes with a heel height not exceeding 2 inches or shoes with high heels are all the same. To help with weight Reduce pressure on the front part of the foot. It can help reduce the pain of my hamstring.
  3. You should choose shoes that are made of a flexible material such as rubber, because it is softer than other materials.
  4. You should choose shoes with thick soles and soft. It has been curled paws or a silicone secondary
The conclusion of the need to wear high heels to strengthen its own personality you should choose to wear shoes that are appropriate for your feet than to wear fashionable shoes or stream media to it and the good health of your feet front foot to help reduce the impact of walking in every day.

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